Who is Celestolite and What is the Scam?

If you live in london, and are a woman, you likely have seen ads on facebook and instagram lately of various different offers for a Spa/Salon called Celestolite.

Here's my honest review on the place, and some crucial information you need to know.

People, this place is a scam. It has been from day one. I know you think I'm making this stuff up, so if you are willing to go down this road, the least you can do is read through this review before you make the same mistake thousands of women have made over the last three years in London. 

This location has had at least 3 names that we know about over the last few years. 

Oro Gold
Smooth You 
and now.... Celestolite. 

Each time, they essentially abandoned all their obligations, ditching thousands of clients with packages and treatments, they dissolved their old company, rebranded (barely!) and then started from fresh. 

The scam works pretty simple: 

1) Run Aggressive offer via facebook and Instagram. 

Here is 3 current live pages running ads for celestolite, all of them not using the Celestolite name. (ps. click info tab to see the live ads in your country (uk). All with same offers. 

For fun here are some screenshots of their ads all with different page names: 

They are all slightly different, all lead to the same team who will book you in. All for the same spa. Why they don't use their own name comes down to a story done by Watchdog on their Great Portland Street location back in november where they were visited by undercover journalists while running under smoothyou. So they diversified their ads on multiple pages making it harder to track.

BBC Interview: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/mjLHdQTf8zv9jb0Lbz4rM0/smooth-you

Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6442823/Skin-clinic-accused-BBC-Watchdog-using-high-pressure-sales-tactics-secure-5-000-deals.html

2) They contact you and invite you for the treatment. They will call you multiple times, always with a sense of urgency. 

3) You make the sad mistake of showing up, get a brief treatment, a "skin test" where they rig the system to always show you are damaged goods, and your skin is awful. 

4) They upsell you with a complete package of products and treatments and offer you multiple payment providers. 

In the past they have used: 

Paybreak (AfforditNow)

Now you are likely thinking this can't possibly be true. So here's all the proof you need. 

Smooth You which is the most recent scandal operated in three locations: 

1) 155 Kensington High Street - 

2) 210 Great Portland Street -

3) Dalston Square -

The first one to close was Kensington High Street, sometime in the summer. At first they just transferred existing clients to Great Portland Street. But that became too much since their whole business model relies on signing up new clients. Once you've signed up, they get the full amount of money from the finance company, and you pay monthly payments back to the finance company. The finance company makes money because the clinic/salon pays them a commission, and in return they take on the risk of ensuring you pay them back. (They are lenders and this is typical business model for most banks, and credit lenders). The problem is, when you begin signing up too many people, you also have to service them in order to keep the illusion that you are operating a legitimate Spa. But you have limited amount of space. Which means each person coming for their package treatments is lost revenue for this scam, since it's one person less they potentially can sign up for a package. 

What do you do when your monthly obligations to current customers exceeds the amount of available slots you have? 

Go into administration: Shut the place down, ditch the 3000+ existing clients, after all you already have the money, and leave the mess to the finance companies and the clients to figure out. The company closes, you find a new brand and rinse and repeat. 

Guess which one these guys picked??? BINGO!!! You guessed right! OPTION 3: 

Last month Smooth You went into administration leaving hundreds of clients out to dry owing thousands of pounds to finance companies and zero chance of getting their treatments. See the Trustpilot reviews from the last month: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/smoothyou.co.uk

Here's testimony of their own employee:

Bottom line, you are being robbed. If not today, in the next year. 

You were warned.

ps. We will continue updating this blog with additional information as we find it. 


  1. I was also scammed by Smooth You and I’m making every effort to get out of this fraudulent situation and to recover my money. . Please don’t be taken in by Celestolite,they are just a reincarnation and rebrand of the same scam.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Anon, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  2. I was taken in by this company too - everything the blogger says is true and now I'm suffering the consequences.

    1. Hi Unknown, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillyme_happy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

    2. sorry lillymehappy@gmail.com

  3. You are lucky if you are reading this blog. Do not trust the company do not go there for anything. Complete scam!

    1. Hi ptp, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillyme_happy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

    2. sorry I mean lillymehappy@gmail.com

  4. had the same issues, was lured via Instagram back in December by Celestolite, I just wanted a cheap facial (it was advertised for £19.99) then I found myself in the same situation hundreds described, most pointless facial I had ever had, rude comments about my skin (which I know for a fact is NOT in a bad state at all for my age), uncomfortably friendly therapist etc. I made the mistakes of not checking any reviews before so I found myself without even realising to sign for a treatment plan for about £60 p/month for 2 years . I left the High Kensington Street with a ridiculously fancy bowler bag with fancy bottles of creams and a "treatment plan" written on paper by my "therapist". I read carefully the contract I signed and I saw that I had 2 weeks to recede from it provided the creams were untouched, and I would have to pay £50 for "admin fees". I thought that at that point I deserved to pay the £50 as a lesson to have let my self to be scammed so easily! The day after I went back to Hight St Kensington to tell them I wanted to cancel immediately, but without showing any sign of distress, doing my best to be as friendly as possible...basically like them. They made me wait about 20 mins only to tell me the manager was not in (of course!) and anyway I had to go to their main branch in Kings' Road and only by appointment. I asked them to call and they booked me an appointment for the afternoon. I went there and, what the odd, the manager had to home to her sick children. I said with my biggest smile that I would not leave as they had booked me in just an hour before, more wait, in a massively hot room and a chap came over claiming to be the owner of the business. Still smiling I explained that I had rushed into it but I had more urgent expenses so at the moment I could not take anything else onboard. He pretended to give it a deep think about it and told me I would have left the clinic happy. Guess what? He offered MORE treatments/payments plan, one of them with something like 24 luxury treatment for the same amount I was supposed to pay for 12 + another bag with creams. Politely and smiling I declined and he finally let me go. I left him the bag with the cream (he quickly checked everything was there), I paid the fee at the reception and my contract was cancelled (I got a receipt) and after a few days got an email from the money lending company that the plan was cancelled. Rarely felt more relieved! So, ladies, make sure you read the contract, and LISTEN to your guts, I am pretty sure we all felt from the start what it was

    1. Hi beeinthemarket, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  5. I'm one of the victims sadly,I have signed the contract, I have done all the facial message, my skin still the same ,how do I stop the payments ,Please help me, at least I can stop it now,

    1. Hi Unknown, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

    2. I am Charlotte BADOU, i signed a contract with CELESTOLOTE . I have 3 more treatments. I booked in 20/12/2019
      They called to say that there is flooding in salon at sloance Square, they will contact ASP.,since then nothing. I think i have to pay 2 more times . But i still have 3 more treatments to do.
      I have been trying their number. Nothing. I am so upset when i saw, CELESTOLITE, PERMANENTLY CLOSE.

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    1. Hi Madonaldo, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  7. Just been done. Wen f for my treatment and the place has gone to liquidation no one contacted me. Contacted the financial company. They pretending they do not know nothing about it.

    1. Hi unknown, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  8. Wish I knew about this fraudlent business. Started having treatment in April for pigmention, treatment didn't make the slightest diffence, beacuse I discontinue the treatment I am now I am being taken to court by the financial company.

    1. Hi unknown, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  9. Can't believe I was conned by Celestolite King's Rd after boycotting them almost every day when they were in Kensington High St under a different name. I paid all the money up front £2,400.00. Is there anyway to retrieve the money? I have emailed, tried to phone.
    Has anyone else had any success in pursuing them?

    1. Hi unknown, I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  10. They have gone into liquidation If you’ve paid by credit card then you may have some redress if you’ve used their financial services they offered at 0 % which no doubt wasn’t! Then difficult as the agreement is with the financial company who have already paid Celestilite who were part of the company ISOD ltd who have ceased trading
    I have made a complaint to the financial services and will contact trading standards but if you don’t continue with the payments to the financial services then you are liable and end up being taken to court and affects credit rating! There must be many in this position and I would suggest writing to the financial company

    1. Hi, which financial services did you contact and how please?

  11. I had also bought the package from Celestolite and paid 2400 GBP. I have pending treatments and now i cant reach out to them by email or call. Does anyone know whom to contact please to retrieve money ? thanks

    1. Same here. I'm almost say the end of my treatments but still should've had about 4 facials. I can't get hold of them either!!

    2. As of January 10 '20, they are in Stratford Westfield on first floor where Nandos is going towards Lacoste. They have a small booth and luring people in by offering free hand creams. I suggest you go and take it up with them. The guy claiming to be the owner was there also!

    3. Hi Pri, Unknown and Yanos,
      I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks

  12. Hi , Im a victim too, I still have treaments left to be done and just before xmas i got a message to say the canclled my appointments and will re schedule after new year. So now when im calling them no response and i have already paid the full amount £2500.00, The treatments done nothing, no improvements to my skin , im so upset and it doesnt look like there is anything we can do.

    1. Hi Unknown,
      I am trying to contact other people that have been a victim of these people. Please contact me (lillymehappy@gmail.com) I am trying to do something about it. Thanks


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  33. I have been scammed with these products as well. It was at a home show in Tallahassee, FL. When I realized that this company was a fraud, I looked at their return policy. Their products are no better than using Jergens cream. Why would I want to exchange my products for other products that are also worthless. I had just had surgery and was taking medication. I never take an offer of a facial but in my mental state, I they "robbed" me of $3,500. I could have had real fillers done to my face for the money they actually stole from me. I am going to do everything in my power to let everyone know that they are crooks and get peoples money back.

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